NewsyCo za skandal! Patrick Swayze przed śmiercią był bity przez swoją żonę! Po latach wyszły na jaw szokujące fakty!

Co za skandal! Patrick Swayze przed śmiercią był bity przez swoją żonę! Po latach wyszły na jaw szokujące fakty!

Gwiazdor hitowego filmu Dirty Dancing podczas swojej śmiertelnej choroby był pod opieką żony. Po latach okazało się, że małżonka biła schorowanego aktora, a po jego śmierci wielokrotnie fałszowała jego testament.

Patrick Swyaze żona
Patrick Swyaze żona
Kuba Górski

Patrick Swayze zasłynął dzięki brawurowej grze w filmie Dirty Dancing, który był najbardziej dochodowym filmem 1987 roku. W hicie towarzyszyła mu piękna Baby, grana przez Jennifer Grey. Wielu fanów podejrzewało, że między aktorami po filmie wybuchł gorący romans. Niestety romansu nie było, gwiazdy nie zapałały do siebie nawet koleżeńską sympatią.

U popularnego aktora na początku 2008 roku zdiagnozowano złośliwy nowotwór trzustki. Patrick poddał się operacji, jednak po przeszło roku walki z chorobą zmarł w wieku 57 lat. Po jego śmierci wyszły na jaw wielkie rodzinne niesnaski, którymi główną prowodyrką była jego żona Lisie Niemi. Rodzina Patricka zarzuciła jej liczne oszustwa, matactwa, a przede wszystkim fałszerstwo testamentu. Okazało się, że podczas gdy powstał testament, Swayze był faszerowany przez swoją małżonkę silnymi lekami psychotropowymi.

Oprócz tego na światło dzienne wyszły gorsze fakty! Jak podał serwis Radar Online, Patrick Swayze miał być ofiarą przemocy domowej. I to właśnie jego żona Lisa miała się znęcać nad aktorem w trakcie jego dwuletniej walki z rakiem trzustki. Aktor był mocno osłabiony, w krótkim czasie stracił połowę swojej wagi.

Niemi decydowała z kim jej chory mąż może utrzymywać kontakty. Internetowy serwis przytoczył również wspomnienia Charlotte Stevens, przyjaciółki zmarłego, która wyjawiła, że wielokrotnie nakłaniała Patricka do rozwodu, bowiem był notorycznie zdradzany przez żonę.

Co o tym myślicie?

  • Los Angeles, 2009-1-7 /  File photo: Actor PATRICK SWAYZE opens up about his cancer battle. In his first interview since he was diagnosed last January, Patrick Swayze spoke candidly about his battle with cancer in an exclusive sit-down with Barbara Walters for ABC News. The stage-four pancreatic cancer has severely altered his life, he said, and it may progress more quickly than previous reports suggested. 'Two years seems likely, if you're going to believe statistics,' Swayze said of his life expectancy in the interview airing Wednesday night (January 7) . The Dirty Dancing star described the symptoms that first led him to suspect he was ill. 'I dropped about 20 pounds in the blink of an eye,' the 56-year-old actor said. "And then when you see it in the mirror, when all of a sudden you pull your eyes down, and the bottom of your eyes go yellow and jaundice sets in ? then you know something's wrong.' Swayze remains determined to keep busy through his struggle; he worked 12-hour days for five months last year filming his new A&E police drama, The Beast. 'I keep dreaming of a future, a future with a long and healthy life, not lived in the shadow of cancer but in the light,' Swayze said. 'You can bet that I'm going through hell. And I've only seen the beginning of it.' A smoker for decades, Swayze acknowledged the likely connection between the habit and his condition. 'I will go so far as to say probably smoking had something to do with my pancreatic cancer,' he said. While he has not yet kicked the habit, he did say that he has "seriously cut down.' © Copyright 2009, Most Wanted Pictures, Inc. | Tarzana | CA 91356 | USA |
  • Dirty Dancing: Jennifer Grey i Patrick Swayze
  • Dirty Dancing Patrick Swayze
  • Mariah Carey i Patrick Swayze w 1991 roku
  • Dirty Dancing: Jennifer Grey i Patrick Swayze
  • Dirty Dancing: Jennifer Grey i Patrick Swayze
  • Dirty Dancing: Jennifer Grey i Patrick Swayze
  • December 13, 2006  Hollywood, Ca.
Patrick Swayze and wife Lisa Niemi	
"Rocky Balboa" World Premiere
Held At Grauman's Chinese Theatre
© Kirkland / AFF-USA.COM
  • Dirty Dancing: Jennifer Grey i Patrick Swayze
  • Dirty Dancing: Jennifer Grey i Patrick Swayze
  • Patrick Swayze z żoną
  • Los Angeles, 2009-1-7 /  File photo: Actor PATRICK SWAYZE opens up about his cancer battle. In his first interview since he was diagnosed last January, Patrick Swayze spoke candidly about his battle with cancer in an exclusive sit-down with Barbara Walters for ABC News. The stage-four pancreatic cancer has severely altered his life, he said, and it may progress more quickly than previous reports suggested. 'Two years seems likely, if you're going to believe statistics,' Swayze said of his life expectancy in the interview airing Wednesday night (January 7) . The Dirty Dancing star described the symptoms that first led him to suspect he was ill. 'I dropped about 20 pounds in the blink of an eye,' the 56-year-old actor said. "And then when you see it in the mirror, when all of a sudden you pull your eyes down, and the bottom of your eyes go yellow and jaundice sets in ? then you know something's wrong.' Swayze remains determined to keep busy through his struggle; he worked 12-hour days for five months last year filming his new A&E police drama, The Beast. 'I keep dreaming of a future, a future with a long and healthy life, not lived in the shadow of cancer but in the light,' Swayze said. 'You can bet that I'm going through hell. And I've only seen the beginning of it.' A smoker for decades, Swayze acknowledged the likely connection between the habit and his condition. 'I will go so far as to say probably smoking had something to do with my pancreatic cancer,' he said. While he has not yet kicked the habit, he did say that he has "seriously cut down.' © Copyright 2009, Most Wanted Pictures, Inc. | Tarzana | CA 91356 | USA |
Bandphoto Agency Photo
B55 047621   22.02.1997
[1/13] Los Angeles, 2009-1-7 / File photo: Actor PATRICK SWAYZE opens up about his cancer battle. In his first interview since he was diagnosed last January, Patrick Swayze spoke candidly about his battle with cancer in an exclusive sit-down with Barbara Walters for ABC News. The stage-four pancreatic cancer has severely altered his life, he said, and it may progress more quickly than previous reports suggested. 'Two years seems likely, if you're going to believe statistics,' Swayze said of his life expectancy in the interview airing Wednesday night (January 7) . The Dirty Dancing star described the symptoms that first led him to suspect he was ill. 'I dropped about 20 pounds in the blink of an eye,' the 56-year-old actor said. "And then when you see it in the mirror, when all of a sudden you pull your eyes down, and the bottom of your eyes go yellow and jaundice sets in ? then you know something's wrong.' Swayze remains determined to keep busy through his struggle; he worked 12-hour days for five months last year filming his new A&E police drama, The Beast. 'I keep dreaming of a future, a future with a long and healthy life, not lived in the shadow of cancer but in the light,' Swayze said. 'You can bet that I'm going through hell. And I've only seen the beginning of it.' A smoker for decades, Swayze acknowledged the likely connection between the habit and his condition. 'I will go so far as to say probably smoking had something to do with my pancreatic cancer,' he said. While he has not yet kicked the habit, he did say that he has "seriously cut down.' © Copyright 2009, Most Wanted Pictures, Inc. | Tarzana | CA 91356 | USA |

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