NewsyRodzina Patricka Swayze oburzona decyzją jego żony! "To, co zrobiła jest straszne"

Rodzina Patricka Swayze oburzona decyzją jego żony! "To, co zrobiła jest straszne"

Rodzina, przyjaciele i fani zmarłego osiem lat temu Patricka Swayze są wstrząśnięci! Lisa Niemi - wdowa po aktorze, sprzedaje jego rzeczy. Nawet najbardziej osobiste pamiątki znalazły się na aukcji!

Patrick Swayze z żoną
Patrick Swayze z żoną
Zuza Maciejewska

Co można kupić? Skórzaną kurtkę z Dirty Dancing, zabawki z dzieciństwa, a nawet… perukę, w której aktor miał grać na planie filmowym, gdyby na skutek chemioterapii stracił włosy!

Mimo protestów rodziny sprzedała nawet ranczo w Kalifornii, w którym rodzina chciała stworzyć muzeum ku pamięci aktora.

Najbardziej wstrząśnięta tym jest bratanica Patricka – Danielle, która wystosowała na Facebooku dramtyczny apel:

Przysięgam, że zrujnuję twój świat dziesięć razy bardziej niż ty to zrobiłaś nam. Jestem wściekła na tę tępą dzidę, która ze wszystkich sił wycisnęła z nazwiska mojej rodziny ostatni grosz. Rzeczy, które były w rodzinie powinny zostać przy rodzinie... Kobieto, kpiny sobie robisz? Ile jeszcze pieniędzy potrzebujesz?

Dalej jest jeszcze ostrzej:

Proszę, pomóżcie mi powstrzymać Lisę zanim pozbędzie się wszystkich pamiątek, których nie ma prawa ani powodu, żeby je sprzedać! NIE MOŻNA WYCENIĆ WSPOMNIEŃ! Mój ojciec, Don, i wujek, Sean, zasługują na to, żeby mieć te pamiątki. Proszę, pomóżcie Lisie znaleźć serce, które kiedyś jeszcze miała.

Lisa broni się twierdząc, że proponowała rodzinie męża pamiątki po nim, jednak ta odmówiła. W odpowiedzi na zarzuty napisała:

W zasadzie zaproponowałam im te pamiątki kilka miesięcy temu. Jestem przekonana, że zauważyliście, że ta rodzina nie zawsze dobrze mnie traktowała. Ale nie brałam tego pod uwagę, gdy odłożyłam dla nich część skarbów. Wciąż czekam na adres, gdzie mam je wysłać.

Odpowiedź Danielle przyszła bardzo szybko:

Kolejne publiczne KŁAMSTWO, którym chroni swój tyłek! Minęło prawie osiem lat i ani ona, ani żaden z jej "przedstawicieli" nigdy nie próbował się z nami skontaktować! PRZESTAŃ KŁAMAĆ!

Para była ze sobą przez 34 lata, aż do śmierci aktora w 2009 roku. Jeśli doniesienia są prawdziwe, a na takie niestety wyglądają, oznacza to, że Niemi czeka jeszcze większa fala krytyki.

21.10.2004 Warszawa 
Wizyta Patricka swyze i jego zony Lisy Niemi w Polsce
n/z Patrick Swayze, Lisy Niemi
foto Piotr Podlewski / Oko na Siwat
21.10.2004 Warszawa Wizyta Patricka swyze i jego zony Lisy Niemi w Polsce n/z Patrick Swayze, Lisy Niemi foto Piotr Podlewski / Oko na Siwat
Dirty Dancing Patrick Swayze
Dirty Dancing Patrick Swayze
Dirty Dancing Patrick Swayze
Dirty Dancing Patrick Swayze
Bandphoto Agency Photo
B55 047621   22.02.1997
PATRICK SWAYZE, LISA NIEMI Bandphoto Agency Photo B55 047621 22.02.1997
21.10.2004 Warszawa 
Wizyta Patricka swyze i jego zony Lisy Niemi w Polsce
n/z Patrick Swayze, Lisy Niemi
foto Piotr Podlewski / Oko na Siwat
21.10.2004 Warszawa Wizyta Patricka swyze i jego zony Lisy Niemi w Polsce n/z Patrick Swayze, Lisy Niemi foto Piotr Podlewski / Oko na Siwat
December 13, 2006  Hollywood, Ca.
Patrick Swayze and wife Lisa Niemi	
"Rocky Balboa" World Premiere
Held At Grauman's Chinese Theatre
© Kirkland / AFF-USA.COM
December 13, 2006 Hollywood, Ca. Patrick Swayze and wife Lisa Niemi "Rocky Balboa" World Premiere Held At Grauman's Chinese Theatre © Kirkland / AFF-USA.COM
Los Angeles, 2009-1-7 /  File photo: Actor PATRICK SWAYZE opens up about his cancer battle. In his first interview since he was diagnosed last January, Patrick Swayze spoke candidly about his battle with cancer in an exclusive sit-down with Barbara Walters for ABC News. The stage-four pancreatic cancer has severely altered his life, he said, and it may progress more quickly than previous reports suggested. 'Two years seems likely, if you're going to believe statistics,' Swayze said of his life expectancy in the interview airing Wednesday night (January 7) . The Dirty Dancing star described the symptoms that first led him to suspect he was ill. 'I dropped about 20 pounds in the blink of an eye,' the 56-year-old actor said. "And then when you see it in the mirror, when all of a sudden you pull your eyes down, and the bottom of your eyes go yellow and jaundice sets in ? then you know something's wrong.' Swayze remains determined to keep busy through his struggle; he worked 12-hour days for five months last year filming his new A&E police drama, The Beast. 'I keep dreaming of a future, a future with a long and healthy life, not lived in the shadow of cancer but in the light,' Swayze said. 'You can bet that I'm going through hell. And I've only seen the beginning of it.' A smoker for decades, Swayze acknowledged the likely connection between the habit and his condition. 'I will go so far as to say probably smoking had something to do with my pancreatic cancer,' he said. While he has not yet kicked the habit, he did say that he has "seriously cut down.' © Copyright 2009, Most Wanted Pictures, Inc. | Tarzana | CA 91356 | USA |
Los Angeles, 2009-1-7 / File photo: Actor PATRICK SWAYZE opens up about his cancer battle. In his first interview since he was diagnosed last January, Patrick Swayze spoke candidly about his battle with cancer in an exclusive sit-down with Barbara Walters for ABC News. The stage-four pancreatic cancer has severely altered his life, he said, and it may progress more quickly than previous reports suggested. 'Two years seems likely, if you're going to believe statistics,' Swayze said of his life expectancy in the interview airing Wednesday night (January 7) . The Dirty Dancing star described the symptoms that first led him to suspect he was ill. 'I dropped about 20 pounds in the blink of an eye,' the 56-year-old actor said. "And then when you see it in the mirror, when all of a sudden you pull your eyes down, and the bottom of your eyes go yellow and jaundice sets in ? then you know something's wrong.' Swayze remains determined to keep busy through his struggle; he worked 12-hour days for five months last year filming his new A&E police drama, The Beast. 'I keep dreaming of a future, a future with a long and healthy life, not lived in the shadow of cancer but in the light,' Swayze said. 'You can bet that I'm going through hell. And I've only seen the beginning of it.' A smoker for decades, Swayze acknowledged the likely connection between the habit and his condition. 'I will go so far as to say probably smoking had something to do with my pancreatic cancer,' he said. While he has not yet kicked the habit, he did say that he has "seriously cut down.' © Copyright 2009, Most Wanted Pictures, Inc. | Tarzana | CA 91356 | USA |
Los Angeles, 2009-1-7 /  File photo: Actor PATRICK SWAYZE opens up about his cancer battle. In his first interview since he was diagnosed last January, Patrick Swayze spoke candidly about his battle with cancer in an exclusive sit-down with Barbara Walters for ABC News. The stage-four pancreatic cancer has severely altered his life, he said, and it may progress more quickly than previous reports suggested. 'Two years seems likely, if you're going to believe statistics,' Swayze said of his life expectancy in the interview airing Wednesday night (January 7) . The Dirty Dancing star described the symptoms that first led him to suspect he was ill. 'I dropped about 20 pounds in the blink of an eye,' the 56-year-old actor said. "And then when you see it in the mirror, when all of a sudden you pull your eyes down, and the bottom of your eyes go yellow and jaundice sets in ? then you know something's wrong.' Swayze remains determined to keep busy through his struggle; he worked 12-hour days for five months last year filming his new A&E police drama, The Beast. 'I keep dreaming of a future, a future with a long and healthy life, not lived in the shadow of cancer but in the light,' Swayze said. 'You can bet that I'm going through hell. And I've only seen the beginning of it.' A smoker for decades, Swayze acknowledged the likely connection between the habit and his condition. 'I will go so far as to say probably smoking had something to do with my pancreatic cancer,' he said. While he has not yet kicked the habit, he did say that he has "seriously cut down.' © Copyright 2009, Most Wanted Pictures, Inc. | Tarzana | CA 91356 | USA |
Los Angeles, 2009-1-7 / File photo: Actor PATRICK SWAYZE opens up about his cancer battle. In his first interview since he was diagnosed last January, Patrick Swayze spoke candidly about his battle with cancer in an exclusive sit-down with Barbara Walters for ABC News. The stage-four pancreatic cancer has severely altered his life, he said, and it may progress more quickly than previous reports suggested. 'Two years seems likely, if you're going to believe statistics,' Swayze said of his life expectancy in the interview airing Wednesday night (January 7) . The Dirty Dancing star described the symptoms that first led him to suspect he was ill. 'I dropped about 20 pounds in the blink of an eye,' the 56-year-old actor said. "And then when you see it in the mirror, when all of a sudden you pull your eyes down, and the bottom of your eyes go yellow and jaundice sets in ? then you know something's wrong.' Swayze remains determined to keep busy through his struggle; he worked 12-hour days for five months last year filming his new A&E police drama, The Beast. 'I keep dreaming of a future, a future with a long and healthy life, not lived in the shadow of cancer but in the light,' Swayze said. 'You can bet that I'm going through hell. And I've only seen the beginning of it.' A smoker for decades, Swayze acknowledged the likely connection between the habit and his condition. 'I will go so far as to say probably smoking had something to do with my pancreatic cancer,' he said. While he has not yet kicked the habit, he did say that he has "seriously cut down.' © Copyright 2009, Most Wanted Pictures, Inc. | Tarzana | CA 91356 | USA |

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